01 Jul 2022

Summer: stop nuisance alarms

AI-Video Analytics: Summer swarms & Perimeter nuisance alarms

False alarms sky-rocket in the summertime when high temperatures bring swarms of bugs and insects that interfere with the images captured by surveillance cameras, raising the dangerous possibility of something going undetected. Unfortunately, problems with precision and the ability to distinguish between real and false alarms lead to additional expenses for alarm receiving and video surveillance centres. That’s why intelligent video analytics is the ideal solution, providing higher reliability while significantly reducing false alarms. So why are there more perimeter nuisance alarms on residential complexes and homes during the summer?

High temperatures mean there are more bugs and insects in the environment. These can interfere with CCTV cameras and hinder the effectiveness of video analytics systems. Bees, mosquitoes, fireflies, moths, and other insects cause false alarm activators, which are expensive and burdensome for alarm receiving centres.

Intelligent video analytics systems (with artificial intelligence like DFUSION) are part of an efficient strategy that combines infrastructure and technology to optimise operating costs and improve security levels. For example, thanks to DFUSION technology, our video analytics system uses two detection engines to connect movement and appearance for precise threat detection. As a result, our technology can process more images per second, uninterruptedly filtering out false alarms with maximum efficiency, optimising costs and streamlining the work of surveillance teams.



Bye, bye nuisance alarms in Perimeter Security

Perimeter video analytics systems are matchless for protecting extensive outdoor sites. These considerations are pivotal to many owners needing to keep their property secure during summer. False alarms can rocket during the summer, hence the need for a smart video analytics system. The following is a list of common causes of false alarms in summertime:

  • Irrigation systems
  • Pets in the garden
  • Swarms of bugs and insects
  • Inflatables in the swimming pool moving in the wind
  • Moving pool covers
  • Deteriorating cables and technical problems caused by exposure to the sun

Why intelligent video analytics?

  • More efficiency and precision with fewer cameras
  • Less costly cameras connected to our smart video analytics software
  • Enormous reduction in false positives by combining appearance and intruder movements
  • Activation of deterrents, patrols and security measures in case of real incidents
  • Access to real-time images

Discover our range of video analytics solutions and have a 100% secure summer. Request a free demo!

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